28th May


9:00-9:10 Opening Ceremony (L. Picarelli, N. Moraci)

9:10-9:30 A retrospective on Sarno event 20 years after (L. Cascini, P. Versace)

9:30-10:30 Opening Conference: S. Lacasse (Chairman: L. Picarelli)

10:30-11:00 Coffee break


Session 1. Monitoring and empirical methods (Chairmen: C. Di Maio - F. Cotecchia)


11:00 E. Damiano An integrated early-awarning system for rainfall-induced landslides based on monitoring of indicators of slope failure

11:20 K. Sasahara Time-prediction of an Onset of a Rainfall-induced Landslide Based on the Hybrid Monitoring of Surface Displacement and Groundwater Level

11:40 N. Casagli Landslide monitoring at regional and local scale with radar satellites

12:00 L. Schenato Monitoring of shallow landslides by high-resolution distributed optical fiber strain sensing: a physical model experiment

12:20 Discussion

13:00-14:20 Lunch break

14:20 P. De Vita Analysis of hydrological regime of pyroclastic soil mantled slopes in Campania (Southern Italy) for assessing debris flow hazard

14:40 F. Guzzetti Open Challenges for Operational Forecasting and Early Warning of Rainfall Induced Landslides

15:00 D.J. Peres Investigating the potential influence of imprecise landslide information on the assessment of landslide triggering thresholdsg

15:20 P. Versace Reliability of rainfall thresholds for landslide forecasting

15:40 Discussion

16:20-16:40 Coffee Break


Round Table - Effective landslide hazard assessment and early warnings: from science to practice



T. Bogaard (chairman) Delft University of Technology

R. Sidle University of Sunshine Coast

A. Duro Italian Civil Protection

F. Guzzetti CNR-IRPI

S. Lacasse Norwegian Geotechnical Institute

V. Kong Hong Kong Geotechnical Institute



29th May


9:30-10:30 Keynote lecture: L. Cascini Understanding mechanisms for risk mitigation of rainfall induced landslides (Chairman: G. Urciuoli)

10:30-11:00 Coffee break


Session 2. Physically based approaches (Chairmen: A. Gajo - G. Scarpelli)


11:00 R. Macciotta Developing quantitative weather-based approaches for rock fall risk management along transportation corridors

11:20 S. Loew Hydro-mechanical forcing and progressive failure of the 2012 Preonzo rockslide

11:40 P. Lehmann, J. von Ruette, D. Or Linking physically-based models with global datasets in landslide research: Evaluation of deforestation and rainfall thresholds on landslides

12:00 R. Greco Model of the shallow pyroclastic slopes of Campania as a part of a larger hydrological system

12:20 Discussion

13:00-14:30 Lunch break

14:30 F. Cotecchia Shallow to deep movements in clayey slopes relating to climate: field evidence and modeling for early warning

14:50 A. Ferrari Modelling the behaviour of a compound rock slide

15:10 D. Salciarini Physically-based approach for rainfall-induced landslide projections in a changing climate

15:30 Discussion

16:00-16:30 Coffee Break

16:30 T. Dijkstra Water balance models to inform daily landslide hazard assessments in Scotland

16:50 H. Rahardjo Sensing and monitoring for assessment of rainfall-induced slope failures in residual soil

17:10 M. Calvello Multi-parametric monitoring of the triggering conditions of weather-induced shallow slides in coarse-grained soils

17:30-18:00 Discussion



30th May


9:30-10:30 Keynote lecture: R. Sidle Insights into how vegetation and vegetation management affect slope stability (Chairman: R. Greco)

10:30-11:00 Coffee break


Session 3. Role of vegetation (Chairmen: C. Mancuso - A. Mandolini)


11:00 A. Leung Hydromechanical reinforcement of plant roots to soil slopes

11:20 P.P. Capilleri The contribution of plant roots on slope stability

11:40 M. Schwarz Models for the quantification and upscaling of root reinforcement effects on the stability of shallow landslides

12:00 A. Satyanaga Stability of unsaturated soil slopes covered with mangrove

12:20 Discussion

13:00-14:30 Lunch break

14:30 V. Capobianco Effects of perennial graminae on hydromechanical behavior of pyroclastic soils

14:50 S. Dias Relation between root distribution, soil permeability and suction in unsaturated pyroclastic slope

15:10 G. Formetta Quantifying the hydrological effect of roots on shallow landslides triggering using a 3D hydrological model

15:30 Discussion

16:00-16:20 Coffee Break

16:20 A. Yildiz An experimental investigation of plant-induced suction and its implications for slope stability

16:40 M. Pirone Effects of vegetation on soil water balance in unsaturated pyroclastic slope

17:00 A. Reder The role of vegetation on evaporation and infiltration processes for silty pyroclastic soils

17:20-18:00 Discussion